A lot of people wonder how racism affected colored people and how their treatment is different. Well, colored people were always on the poor end of the stick they worked in factories and plantations and were always in debt. They were beaten and bruised if they didn't follow an order by their "master". Colored women could be raped or abused badly. After a while things did get a little better but everything was seperated by race. Brown vs. Board allowed colored kids to finally go to school and learn to read and write and the North became a place of freedom and regular human rights for all no matter the race. Mr. Luther King Jr. fought for normal human rights through peace with the general public and from then on everything changed and now we're here today where everyone has equal rights no matter your race
(hope this helped or gave you a few ideas! :)
false is the right answer
Most importantly, the Harlem Renaissance instilled in African Americans across the country a new spirit of self-determination and pride, a new social consciousness, and a new commitment to political activism, all of which would provide a foundation for the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s.
<span>Isadora Duncan, the dancer who created her own style and flavour in dancing and also invented a new dance form with her creative ideas, mixing traditional ballet with natural movement. She named her dance institute "Isadorables". After her death the institute is run by her faithful followers who stood by her in all times of despair. She hated the romantic ballet during the time, when she had found a new dance form and there were no takers for her dance, she traveled around Europe to perform her dance along with her adopted daughters, and finally decided to settle in Soviet Union as a first migrant but unfortunately she met her fate while travelling in a car on a cold evening strangled to death by her scarf, that stuck in the wheel of the very own car she was travelling.</span>