Disk access is way slower than
memory access. Caching is a technique to improve the disk access time. Block cache is a caching technique which
reduces disk accesses time. Here a
portion of disk is bought to cache for reading and a modified blocks are first
changed in cache but reflected in the disk at one go. On the other hand with write through caching
each modified block is written to cache and at the same time it is written to
the disk. Write- through caching
requires more disk I/O so they can have a negative effect on the performance.
"The increased availability of mobile digital devices has had a positive impact on how young people use their free time."
There are many different views that you could take upon this subject.
1) You could say that the increased availability of mobile digital devices has allowed children to increase their academic success, by being able to search for and complete assignments using these devices.
2) You could say that the increased availability of mobile digital devices allows for children to occupy themselves by providing games, videos, books, and other things to provide them with entertainment, a learning experience, and more.
Hope this helps!
It sounds like you are looking for a network. If a node can not find a network to connect to, then it cannot connect.
You can begin your report, and write about CNN, BBC, or any other liberal news network.