It would determine by the fact if they wages, the working conditions who’s working their, the way the comunision is or how there labor or union is!
The correct answer is more prosperous and less democratic
Japanese conquests led to a wave of euphoria and enthusiasm in Japan, which, coupled with extensive indoctrination, developed a strong nationalism that defended imperialist ambitions. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, there was an extreme right-wing authoritarian regime in Japan that fueled nationalist militarism and Japanese imperialism.
This nationalist and imperialist discourse in Japan claimed that the mission in China was unique and exclusively civilizing, but it is known that Japanese interests were motivated by economic issues. During the 1930s, two incidents led to the Japanese invasion of Manchuria (northeastern China) and, finally, the start of the war.
The answer is C.<span>for furs</span>
According to the laws of Great Britain, male colonists had a right to vote on the laws that affected the colonies if they owned "land" since they were in the upperclass.