Sunnah is an action that was performed by our beloved prophet Muhammad s.a.w , and hadith is the where sunnah is written for us to read, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w life is perfect example for us we all must follow his teachings, his way of livings thats sunnah.
I fear mostly spiders and clowns but you have to answer this question yourself .. what so you fear?? that's what you write about
1. Si offendono/ inviti
2. Finiscono /smettono
3. Guardassimo/ si arrabbierebbe
4. Vedesse/ averta
5. Arrivasse/ è
I will translate the words in english so you can see which best completes the sentence
vita est necesse- life is not necessary
aspirare est necesse- the need to breathe
aspirate est necesse- supports necessary
vivit est necesse- it is alive
here for answers and that's about it