Answer:The Edwards Plateau is a geographic region at the crossroads of Central, South, and West Texas. It is bounded by the Balcones Fault to the south and east, the Llano Uplift and the Llano Estacado to the north, and the Pecos River and Chihuahuan Desert to the west.[2] San Angelo, Austin, San Antonio and Del Rio roughly outline the area. The southeast portion of the plateau is known as the Texas Hill Country
Constantinople had not fallen to the Turks in 1453 it can be presumed that the city would have proven to be a thorn in their side (and Russia’s) for centuries to come. The city controlled the access to the Mediterranean from the Black Sea and it would have been able to make both countries bend to its will simply to use the Dardanelles
In the end the Allies agreed that they would punish Germany and attempt to weaken that nation so much that it wouldn’t pose a future threat. Germany’s representatives had no real choice but to accept the terms.stripped Germany of its colonies in China and Africa, which Qualls explains was a particularly humbling provision. for the Allies for demand that Germany pay reparations
He formed a strong army of foot soldiers.
He organized his troops into phalanxes of 16 men across and 16 deep, each one armed with an 18-foot pike. Philip used this heavy phalanx formation to break through enemy lines. Then he used fast moving cavalry to crush his disorganized opponents.