Trade and Commerce So, to get the items they needed the Mesopotamians had to trade. In the southern part of Mesopotamia, docks were built along the sides of the rivers so that ships could easily dock and unload their trade goods. The merchants traded food, clothing, jewelry, wine and other goods between the cities.
The Navigation Act of 1660 forbade colonists from trading specific items such as sugar and cotton w/ any country other than England. You have to pass through English ports. Many colonists wanted more freedom to buy or sell goods wherever they could get the best price.
C. any law. The steps for making a law go bill, House/Senate ratification, Senate/House Ratification, then President's approval signature.
The Oklahoma seal is very iconic as there are symbols of the events in history put together to form a seal. The star shape in the middle represents all the regions where the civilised Indians resides and still does.
The symbol of a pioneer and a native Indian clasping hands represents that the territory belongs to the natives and all the other stars also represent the same. The seal is star shaped with different symbols on it.
Hawaii was a territory up until 1959, when it was declared as a state.