Republican celebration antagonistic slavery and argued to force down the wages of loose employees and degraded the distinction of manual labor. They praised a society based on "the middling lessons who own the soil and paintings it with their personal hands."
American birthday celebration -Anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic origins -wanted to: -Unite native-born Protestants in opposition to Irish, and German Catholics -prohibit similarly immigration
The Colosseum.
The Pantheon.
The Baths of Carcalla.
The Arc of Constantine.
Circus Maximus.
The Tower of Hurcules.
The Pyramid of Cestius.
The Arena of Nimes.
The Baths of Trajan.
Porta Nigra.
The German plan was the plan used to respond to the mobilization of its eastern neighbor
Granted religious minorities, the right to worship and deposed by the Glorious Revolution.