what drawbacks are there to living in the middle east
autocratic government, no say in government, leaders can be selfish and use money on themselves instead of the people
A russian revolution
Russia didnt lose ww1 they took alot of losses and backed out to start their communist revolution
It’s c new amsterdam there ya gooooo
Everyone in the world
He says "The first is freedom of speech and expression–everywhere in the world."
And, "The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way–everywhere in the world."
And " The third is freedom from want–which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants-everywhere in the world."
And "The fourth is freedom from fear–which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor–anywhere in the world."