15th Amendment.
The 15th Amendment of the Constitution of America allowed all men to vote without racism and discrimination. The law after the Civil War granted the rights to the African Americans (now freed) to vote. Before ratifying the amendment, only white men in America were allowed to vote and elect the government. The 15th Amendment was rectified during the Reconstruction era along with other Amendments like the 13th and 14th.
Leyte Gulf
It spread over 100,000 miles across the sea.
The southern(who were previously Confederate) states all wrote new Constitutions and swore loyalty to the Union by 1877. Also, the 13th amendment(which states no slavery n<span>or involuntary servitude</span> is allowed unless punishment... in u.s.), 14th amendment(forbids states to restrict simple rights of citizens etc,), and 15th amendment(citizens in U.S. cannot be denied due to race, color, etc. to vote) were acknowledged and remained after the reconstruction. Former slaves also had a new life ahead of them: they could now be educated, choose who they wanted to marry, and choose jobs. Unfortunately, the reconstruction didn't heal African American/ white man wounds; and even though there were laws for equality, for many upcoming years, many black people still had many problems with white people who still believed they were somehow superior.
The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "psychological impact of the Cold War." Building a bomb shelter in your back yard most demonstrates the <span>psychological impact of the Cold War </span>