안녕 = Hello in Korean
안녕하세요 = Hi in Korean
작별 = Farewell in Korean.
I hope this helps! c:
It’s helpful to understand the kinds of question that are asked on a exam, because the response you need to come up with depends on the type of question. Knowing about different types of exam questions can help you activate appropriate strategies for formulating answers and reduce exam-taking anxiety.
Hold on.
These questions ask you to make inferences or apply your knowledge to new situations, which is sometimes called “critical thinking”.
You need to know the material being covered to answer these questions at the “green light” level, but the exam question is not asking you to simply regurgitate it. You will need to take what you know and use it in ways you have not yet used it.
This type of question sometimes flummoxes students, because they are surprised to they are being asked a question that wasn’t exactly covered in class. Remember that with red light questions you are not supposed to already know the answer. You have to come up with the answer yourself, it is not already in your head. (You will need to know the basic information, though, to be able to answer this type of question.)
Red light questions are asked more frequently in college than in high school.
To study for red light questions, make diagrams or concept maps that link ideas or topics from the course together. Think about how what you’re learning relates to what you’ve learned in other classes. Sit down with friends or classmates and talk about how one might use information from the class in a job setting.
See this link for a pdf of Decoding exam
Dependent clause: The store ran out of paper quickly.
How DD Most Ancient Societies Have Some Type of Flood Story