A river delta is a landform formed by silt deposition carried by a river as it exits its mouth and enters slower-moving or stationary water. This happens when a river flows into an ocean, sea, estuary, lake, reservoir, or another river that is unable to transport the material.
<span> known as
</span>Value Conflict
kicks down the boundaries of epic fantasy using fresh new takes on world building, dismantling of standard fantasy tropes, and a take on gender fluidity that is both provocative and thoughtful. The Mirror Empire is an ambitious work, and the scope of it shows that ambition. We follow a cast of characters as they try to find out the truth of their heritage, rise to a station of command that ill fits them, or balance their political ambitions with the sudden revelation of a genocidal plan. The Mirror Empire is all up in your face with its themes, making you reconsider the trappings of gender identification, reckon hard with the horrors of war and ethnic cleasing, or think sideways about what magic looks like. The Mirror Empire is a fiery shot in the arm to the stalwart notions of what epic fantasy should be.
Explanation of Urbanization
The improvements in food / textile production led to a growth in the urban population.