longitude and latitude grids mark the globe for points of reference to the foot in degrees. then the globe is divided with alphabetical letters starting with a in greenwhich or 0000hours then moves around the globe from the 0 hour to the right until it reaches one hour before itself itself 2400 later so each zone is assigned a letter of the alphabet a-b-c and the hour is in conjunction with the letter so a=0 b=1 c=2 and so on until x is 2400
Explained below
In physics, we know that waves usually change direction when are refracted or when they penetrate layers with different densities.
Therefore, when a seismic wave penetrates penetrates the boundary of the earth's interior, part of it will be sent back and part will be transmitted into the medium as refraction occurs. When we record the reflected and refracted ray, it enables the calculation of the position of major boundaries in the Earth's interior. This also helps in providing information about the solid & liquid character as well physical properties of the various layers in the medium.
Those are all plateaus, though you could figure this out with elimination, too. Peninsulas are land forms with 3 sides water, mountains generally form in mountain ranges, and usually deserts are larger than the two small cells on the right side.
Migration, whether internal or international, has always been one of the forces driving the growth of urbanization and bringing opportunities and challenges to cities, migrants and governments. Increasingly, municipal authorities are becoming recognized as key actors in managing migration and have started including migration in their urban planning and implementation.
For cities to better manage migration, data on migration and urbanization are essential. However, these data are not always available or – if available – not used or accessible at the urban level, nor disaggregated, comprehensive or comparable, particularly in low-income countries.