Context clues can be definitions, examples, synonyms, or antonyms. The word root can give you an idea of the word’s meaning. Aff
ixes can help you determine the word’s form and meaning. Use the drop-down menus to identify the root in each difficult word. Automatic: Gratify: Untenable:
The Greek prefix auto means "self". good examples using the prefix auto- includes automotive and autopilot.
Gratify: the word comes from the Latin gratificari, meaning "give or do as a favor" and a deeper root is gratus, which means "pleasing, thankful".
Untenable: derived Formsuntenability or untenableness, noununtenably, adverb. Word origin and story for untenable. From 1640´s "incapable of being held against attack. Figurative sense is recorded from 1690´s.
where is the picture. if you give the picture only I can tell you the answer you haven't given the picture please give the picture what can I do if you didn't get the picture I can't give the answer