In the given topography, point A is the northern side at a height of 2690 feet. B is at a height of 2220 feet and location C has a height of 2340 feet. A and B are separated by a horizontal distance of 520 feet, B and C are separated by a horizontal distance of 250 feet and C is located at N35°E of point B.
From the above data, we can demarcate the topography of the area. The area is inclined towards the southern side as when we move from point A to C and C to A the elevation gradually decreases.
Thus, <u>the exposed rock unit in that area dips towards the South and the strike direction of this rock is the East-west direction.</u>
Dip is defined as the angle made by a rock bed with respect to a horizontal line and strike refers to the direction of the line that is formed due to the intersection between a rock surface and a horizontal plane.
Dip and strike always perpendicular to one another.
The correct answer is - F (False).
Floodings are mostly caused by natural events and not by human activity. Most of the floodings appear due to have rainfalls when the rivers get much more water that the capacity of their respective riverbed, nice example of this is when the rivers in India are flooding because of the heavy rainfalls brought by the monsoons. Also, another important factor are the melting snows in the mountains in spring, the snow turns into huge amount of water that makes the rivers flood. There's also some interesting and beezar reasons for flooding like the dams of the beavers which partially stop the river flow and contribute to big accumulation of water that is flooding the space before the beaver dam.
the North Pole
The point furthest north on Earth is the North Pole. The point opposite to the North Pole is the southernmost point, the South Pole. The North Pole is located in the central part of the Arctic Sea. These points are very important as the parallel and meridians are orientated in accordance to them, with every meridian passing through them, while the prime parallel, the Equator is set right in the middle between the two.
56, and that is only the magor volcanos inIndonesla