Poetry of all kinds is a wonderful work of art
- If you pr!ck us, do we not bleed?
- if you tickle us, do we not laugh?
- if you poison us, do we not die?
- and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?". - (Act III, scene I
Shylock is saying that whatever response you have to what happens to you, Jews have the same response
The audio shows that the characters are in a very messy kitchen, which would help in representing a scenario for this scene.
The setting is the place where a scene takes place. In the case of the scene presented above, we could promote a representation of the scenario through the speeches of the characters present in the scene. In the sheriff's speech we can see that he is in the kitchen of a house, because he says that the environment where he is only has "kitchen things." In addition, we can see that the kitchen is completely messed up, when the County attorney says "here's a nice mess".
"Trifles" is a play presented in a single act, which presents the investigation into the murder of John Wright. The investigation takes place at John's own home, since his wife is the prime suspect.
urge people to follow in Dr. King’s footsteps in the fight against injustices.
hope this helps! :3
Beneatha believes that she has the ability to change her life and achieve her dreams. She does not believe that women should be limited to domestic services, they do not need a husband to live, nor are they obliged to start a family. This can be seen when she states that she wants to be a doctor and that marriage is not a priority in her life. She wants to grow professionally first and be independent, as she believes that all women should be.
Ruth and Lena, have more traditional and conservative thoughts about the role of women in society. This is shown when they put themselves in situations where men are exalted and do not bother to be limited to domestic services where men are served by women, who care only for the home and any children. They also believe that the greatest ambition a woman can have is to find a husband who can support her and put a roof over her head.