“Siempre pienso en ti” or else it doesn’t make any sense.
What particular thing does the river have that is found in the Elíseos camps
English:Because her poems had some powerful feminist meanings, which gave women power and motivation, during a time were women were treated different than today.
Spanish:Debido a que sus poemas tenían algunos significados feministas poderosos, que les dieron a las mujeres poder y motivación, durante un tiempo las mujeres fueron tratadas de manera diferente a la actual.
1. El agente de viajes.
2. El agente de viajes.
3. El empleado del hotel.
4. El inspector de aduanas.
5. El empleado del hotel.
6. El inspector de aduanas.
Taking into account what you have heard in the audio, you have to select the best option and you can use each option twice.
For example, the exercise would be something like this:
<em>1. El agente de viajes.</em>
<em>2. El agente de viajes.</em>
<em>3. El empleado del hotel.</em>
<em>4. El inspector de aduanas.</em>
<em>5. El empleado del hotel.</em>
<em>6. El inspector de aduanas.</em>