Speaking About Yourself
A the hotel
At the train station
Occupation / Work
Greetings and Polite Words
At the café (ordering drinks)
At the restaurant
At the airport
At the shop
Survival Expressions
Taking a Taxi
Being Lost
Small Talk
Gap fillers / Keeping the Conversation
Swear Words / Impolite Words
Bonjour is your answer
I hope you mark me see you soon have a good day the see you soon means see you in the next question
Answer: Le premier d'avril. Il fait beau!
Je rêve d'une promenade sur la plage.
On veut mettre un poisson sur le dos.
Méfiez-vous des poissons rouges. Soyez sage!
The traditional April Fool's prank in France is to pin/tape a red fish to someone's back without them noticing. People may start laughing at the "victim" of the prank. So, this "poem" is a commentary.
The first of April. The weather is nice!
I dream of taking a walk on the beach.
People want to put a fish on your back.
Beware of red fish. Be wise!
This will never pass as great literature, but it may help you pass.
(If I have used vocabulary you don't have in your glossary, be careful!)
C'est le treize décembre deux- mille .
C'est le vingt- trois janvier mille- sept- cent- quatre -vingt -seize.
C'est le neuf septembre mille -six -cents.
C'est le vingt -neuf juillet mill- huit- cent- quatre -vingt.
C'est le douze mars deux- mille-dix.
Salut !
Les amies, des amies : féminin/pluriel
Mon amiE : féminin/singulier
Mon ami : masculin/singulier