C) They are all examples of foreign involvement in the war
Neville Chamberlain was the Prime Minister of England from 1937-1940. Chamberlain is infamous for 'appeasing' to Germany's demands to restructure itself after paying its immense reparations for the first World War I. A large reason that he appeased to Germany's desire to revamp its military, economy, and expand its territory was so that he may focus on England's domestic affairs. Notably, he passed several acts and laws for the middle class, one giving workers a week off with pay (Holiday with Pay Act 1938), as well as passing the Factory's Act of 1937 which greatly helped working conditions for women and children and limiting hours of work. While he primarily wanted to focus on domestic affairs, his appeasement policy immensely backfired when Germany's power skyrocketed by the end of the 1930's.
Because it was easier for them and they had no money but i a way people today still trade
Francisco Franco created a dictator ship, and he was the dictator.
He overthrew the original democratic governmet and lead a rebellion, too.