A summary of the actions of the many aggressive regimes in Europe of the past several centuries would include mostly religious "holy" wars and a desire for territorial expansion.
"The Star-Spangled Banner" is the national anthem of the United States based on a poem written in 1814 by Francis Scott Key after observing the British Royal Navy ships bombing at Baltimore Harbor at Fort MacHenry. What he means in that part of the poem is that the loss of lives during the battlefield is something expected during the war. According to him, wars themselves are inevitable and people must be brave enough to take part in them to gain their freedom. Because of that sublime goal, he believes people who join war are glorious.
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He used persuasive speeches to increase support for the Nazi Party.
Adolf Hitler was a great and inspired speaker. His speeches impressed and mesmerized Germans. Gifted with enormous histrionic talent, Hitler played with emotions and fear. He manipulated resentments and wounded pride (risen after German defeat in WWI and her humilliation by the victorious allies), and with concerns about the past and the future (Germany was hit hard by the Great Depression). He promised he and his party would lead Germany to preeminence and prosperity, to be the masters of Europe as a superior race. The Nazis won the 1932 legislative elections. In 1933, president Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler chancellor.