gathering information
The decision making process is critical for considering all relevant elements and avoiding errors when a decision needs to be made. From this process, complexity and uncertainty gradually give way to a deeper understanding of the problem and the cost-effectiveness of the available options. Regarding the case presented in the question above, we can say that Professor Thompson, in the phase called gathering information, in the decision making process.
The phase called gathering information is about understanding the situation, gathering as much information about the problem as possible. This phase is directed to the causes of a problem or to the justifications of a position in the problem. One tip to use this phase is to use mind maps to associate the description of the problem and the data obtained about it.
a. near the bottom
Voter turnouts refers to the number of eligible voters who actually votes during election. Out of 32 Industrialized nations, United States ranked 26th in terms of voter turnout's number.
On average , United States only have around 55% of voter turnouts. For comparison, UK has the average of 76% voter turnout and Germany has around 83% voter turnout.
1 . - It destroy the habitat of many living organisms.
- It poisoned the air due to high CO2
- It killed the organisms and disrupt the ratio
2. It's better to use .org which indicate that the research are solely for that specific purpose
3. Create an earthquake detector that could predict the earthquake before it happened
Transactional Leadership
Leadership refers to stimulating and inducing the subordinates so as to extract the desired response or action, which is directed towards achievement of organizational goals and objectives.
Transactional leadership refers to the form of leadership wherein, the leader is very particular about the organizational structure, hierarchy and direction. This form of leadership is more formal in nature wherein incentives are defined to reward good performance.
The leader's focus is upon issuing directions and ensure abidance to organizational rules and norms. The approach lays utmost emphasis upon compliance and efficiency. It is conventional form of leadership and reactive in nature.
In the given case, Malcolm provides pay raise to his subordinates who meet their yearly goals and also supervises and monitors the efficiency of his subordinates. Malcolm's approach depicts transactional form of leadership.