who perspective should you be telling it from
» Allusion: A reference to something else, such as a work of literature, specifically Declaration of Independence.
» Metaphor: A comparison of two different things that show how they're the same; they do NOT use the words 'like' or 'as'.
» Personification: A type of metaphor in which nonliving and nonhuman things are given human characteristics/abilities.
» Simile: A comparison of two different things that use the words 'like' or 'as' to show how they're similar.
» Hyperbole: Figure of speech that uses exaggeration for emphasis.
» Irony: A figure of speech in which words convey the opposite of their literal meaning of a situation contrary to what one would expect.
» Paradox: A statement that appears to contradict itself but can be true.
» An absolute phrase is a descriptive phrase that modifies an entire clause.
<h2>noun + participle + other modifiers</h2>
antonym or opposition
Context clue is basically a setting of a sentence which helps us gain unknown piece of information or a meaning.
Let's show that on the example given.
We might not be familiar with the meaning of the word novice, however we see that the conjunction although is used. This conjunction denotes opposition, a change of tone to express something that's contrary to previous information.
Now, it's obvious, from this context, that the word novice means opposite of experienced.
This way, without looking up a dictionary, we could discover the meaning of the word.
This letter is from a concerned resident to the editor of a magazine or newspaper where he complains about the bad state of the Castle Park which is the playground for the children of the community that was given to them by the community groups. In the letter, he is bitter that the city government refuses to take responsibility and restore the structure, neither will they allow citizens to make repairs.
The words that give the piece a negative tone are public junkyard. garbage, and rots.