Nuclear energy comes from the splitting of uranium atoms
It was a old network of trade routes that were for centuries central to cultural interaction first through areas of Eurasia<span> connecting the </span>East<span> and </span>West<span> and all the way from the Korean peninsula </span><span>and Japan </span><span>to the Mediterranean Sea</span>
Southwest Asia
It is to the left of Saudi Arabia and is the largest
Far east is geographical term that refers to east asia including north east asia. Being rich in cultural and geographic realms of these countries have
- Far east land is a land of the rising sun the Japanese coast and along with the eastern Siberia and Indonesian islands these lands belong to the variety of biodiverse resources in the world.
- Plus they have long traced the history of natural resources and abundance and most of these are untraced or undiscovered by man. For example the marina trench its proper depth still unknown to man.
- Parts of Russia and China and other nearby states have an untouched resource found in underwater reserves that harbor exotic species and possible changes of fresh marine life forms making far east as most of the valuable resource on earth.
Your welcome!
In India coal occurs in rock series of two main geological ages, namely Gondwana, a little over 200 million years in age and in tertiary deposits which are only about 55 million years old.