La esposa del padre de Felipe es Queen Sofia
Una de las nietas del Juan Carlos Leonor
El esposo de Letizia el principe Felipe VI
El abuelo de Leonor es Juan Carlos
Known mainly for the insect that transmits it, the tsetse fly, it is endemic in some areas of sub-Saharan Africa and, in total, affects 36 countries. "The direct or indirect [...] effects of climate on the distribution of the tsé-tsé fly -which is usually found in the vegetation around rivers and lakes, in forests and in the savannah10 play an important role in the expansion of the fatal disease ", explain the authors of the work.
To form the conditional tense with regular verbs, simply add the conditional endings to the end of the infinitive. Below you'll find a table with the Spanish conditional endings, as well as conjugations of three regular verbs in the conditional: viajar, conocer, and escribir.
"te casarias conmigo" is how you say it in spanish.