The two answers it could be are Prime Meridian and the Equator and since you said parallel, its the Equator
After World War I, the borders of the Ottoman Empire were reduced to those of Turkey. Turkey,s borders with Syria and Iraq were made after the end of the Ottoman empire and the French and British occupation in the provinces. The borders were permanently defined by the Treaty of Moscow after the 1877-1878 war.
1. Around 1900 the first dams were built on the Muskegon river, and this immediately cause a problem in the ecosystem by being a blockade for the movement of the water species, as well as causing higher mortality by killing them in the turbines.
2. By 1950 more dams were built, and the there were even more blockades on the way of the water species, so their movement was restricted even more, the mortality rates skyrocketed because of the disposing of the oxygen, temperature change, river flows changing etc.
3. Even though the scientists miss information from the period before the dams were built, since the information have started to be gathered it has been very obvious that the main factor for ruining the ecosystems on the Muskegon river are the dams by causing all sorts of changes in the water.
all these religions comes for the christians. ( aka - the ones who followed Jesus )
The League of Nations was established in 1919.
The aim was to keep world peace and to ensure security.
At its largest there were 58 countries involved with the LoN.
The League of Nations failed as there had to be unanimity for decisions. Unanimity made it really hard for the League to do anything. The League suffered big time from the absence of major powers — Germany, Japan, Italy ultimately left — and the lack of U.S. participation. They also had no army so that meant that when countries were trying to annex one another the League couldn't protect the land.