I imagine this is for a job application, c would also be a good option as well but its best to try to resolve the problem on your own and then talking to your boss about it if the issue continues over time.
I don't know Spanish well so I'll give you some obvious ones (for and English speaker). #1 Ex.1 leaves
#1 (the other) Ex.1 any
#1 Ex.3 takes
#2 Ex.1) are taking
#2 Ex.2) am driving
#2 Ex 3) are playing
#3 Ex. 1) painted
#3 Ex. 3) have not solved
#3 Ex. 4) finish
#3 Ex. 5) have made
#4 Ex.1) are attending
#4 Ex2.) am driving
#4 Ex.3) are playing
The fist answer should be the right one