According to national regulations, players need to be authenticated by real name or else the game will not be able to play.
Red scare is Nationwide Anti-Radical Hysteria and its some of victims are Church, Home,Marriage,Civility and the America way of life
Answer:The variable card must be of type Card
Explanation:The reference has to be of the same type of the class. In this case, there are many diferent classes and the common one is Card, as all inherit from it.
I believe it is ;
A semi colon is used when there are 2 independent clauses (or parts of a sentence that can be a sentence by themselves).
Here we have clause 1
This is my belief with Aaron Burr on our team
Here is clause 2
We cannot lose
See how they can be sentences all on their own
План сообщения «Размышления над прочитанной книгой»
1. Автор, заглавие книги.(Кратко об авторе- несколько предложений-2-3предл.).
2. Тема, основная мысль, проблема (о чём произведение, какие вопросырассматриваются в произведении или какие проблемы решаются).
3. Краткий пересказ текста (главные события, самые интересные эпизоды). помогите написать про любую книгу