Answer: The tango is a mixture of African and European music & dancing styles.
1. Paragraph 1
I really like being a grandfather. I don't talk much with my grandson. I have no grandchildren.
2. Paragraph 2
My cousin is unfriendly. My cousin is not very hardworking. My cousin and I are very good friends.
3. Paragraph 3
Having children is a great sacrifice, but it is very beautiful too. I do not understand my children. My husband and I have no children.
4. Paragraph 4
I don't talk much with my brothers. I share my things with my brothers. My brothers and I are like (friends).
5. Paragraph 5
I like being an only child. I have brothers and sisters. I live with my grandparents.
6. Paragraph 6
My nephew is ten years old. I really like being an uncle. My wife and I have no children.
I know the second one is present tense
Answer: esta es una llave una pequena llave
he aqui un rey
y he aqui el reino del rey
en este reino hay un pueblo
y en este pueblo hay un parque
y en este parque hay una casa
y en esta casa hay un cuarto
y en este cuarto hay un florero
y en este florero hay una flor
La flor en el florero
El Florero en el cuarto
El Cuarto en la casa
La casa en el parque
El parque en el pueblo
El pueblo En el reino
Y he aqui la llave del reino del rey