Beneficios: Introdujo el Catolicismo a América
Desventajas: Perdimos nuestras religiones y costumbres
Beneficios: Pudo ser globalizado el continente y obtuvo una apertura al mundo avanzado lo cual le permitio el avanze economico acorde con las del mundo.
Desventajas: Las poblaciones de las grandes naciones americanas fueron azotadas por las enfermedad y la discriminación mientras que los nativos americanos del norte fueron expulsados de sus tierra y encerrados en recerbaciones.
Espero que te haya ayudado! Si necesitas algo más preugntame! :)
Because of population there are more buildings and land being taken away every day to benefit us. There is less land left for us every day because of how many land we have already built on. And for land tenure the person who owns a land can either chose to keep it or sell it, but if not being sold it deeply affects us. This is because, that land could be used for something critical like a hospital or something beneficial like a store
he and the colonists had agreed that a message would be carved into a tree if they had moved and would include an image of a Maltese Cross if the decision was made by force.
He was a Presbyterian minister in Seattle Washington
Hope it helps