The right conjugation of the verb "ir" in past tense that applies for the sentence is:
- <em>Nosotros </em><em><u>íbamos</u></em><em> frecuentemente al cine</em>.
The translation of the sentence in the answer is:
- We frequently <u>went</u> to the movies.
There are two types of past common in Spanish, the simple preterite and the imperfect preterite, the conjugation of the verb <em>"ir"</em> in the two forms is presented below:
Personal pronoun Simple preterite/Imperfect preterite.
- <em>Yo </em><em>fui/iba</em><em>.</em>
- <em>Tú </em><em>fuiste/ibas</em><em>.</em>
- <em>Él </em><em>fue/iba</em><em>.</em>
- <em>Ella </em><em>fue/iba</em><em>.</em>
- <em>Ello </em><em>fue/iba</em><em>.</em>
- <em>Nosotros </em><em>fuimos/</em><u><em>íbamos</em></u><em>.</em>
- <em>Ellos </em><em>fueron/iban</em><em>.</em>
How you can see, there are two conjugations forms that apply for the personal pronoun <em>"nosotros"</em>, but because the verb <em>"fuimos"</em> it is not usually used with the word <em>"frecuentemente"</em>, the correct option is <u><em>"íbamos"</em></u>.