Miller's title, The Crucible, is appropriate for the play. A crucible is a container made of a substance that can resist great heat ; a crucible is also defined as a severe test. Within the context of the play the term takes on a new meaning: not only is the crucible a test, but a test designed to bring about change or reveal an individual's true character. The witch trials serve as a metaphorical crucible, which burns away the characters' outer shells to reveal their true intentions and character beneath. Throughout the play, Miller carefully peels away the layers of each character so that the audience not only can identify the character's motivation, but also can reevaluate the character through his or her actions. In other words, the audience observes the character as he or she is tested, and the audience ultimately determines if he or she passes the test.
Note: I apologize if my answer is wrong.
In modern culture the name Hades could also refer to the devil due to false belief Hates is similar to the devil. Hades also lives in the Underworld, which also is believed to be called hell in modern culture. Also Underworld can be referred to as a suspicious place where criminal activities take place.
The second one "mice's" because it's talking about the mice favorite spot also mice means one
Answer: The "malevolent phantom" is Boo Radley himself. Boo was locked away because he became a troublemaker, but the children believe he was monstrous or was killed.
Explanation: Scout compares Boo Radley to a ghost or a phantom. Boo Radley was locked in the house as a teenager because he was unstable and involved with a group of troublemakers and the family did not want him to go to jail. Then, when he was 33 years old, Boo stabbed his father in the leg with scissors. He was arrested, sent to jail, and once again released to the Radley’s custody—and never seen again. Jem said this, "There was a long jagged scar that ran across his face; what teeth he had were yellow and rotten; his eyes popped, and he drooled most of the time" (Lee 10), which characterizes Boo as a monster. "Maybe he died and they stuffed him up the chimney" (Lee 27) is another rumor.