Some say that a tsunami's sea wave can scotch an entire island. All you will hear is a sudden silence, shadowed by the roar of a wave and then Splash! You are drowned in debri and dampened by dirty water.
Alliteration: "Some say...tsunami's sea...scotch" "sudden silence" "drowned in debri....dampened by dirty"
Onomotoppoeia: "Splash"
They must not base their conclusions on a.opinions
Thinking about what they are saying.
You can see the narrator not very sure of things. He reminds himself that the smell of dirt was not to be feared, but since he needs to remind himself, we do sense that the narrator does fear the smell. This: "loathed these errands and doubted my ability to discern a peach from a pear in the dim light" is another sentence that shows uncertainty. In the end, some shadow that can't clearly be discerned is more more thing that contributes to the tone.