Pendant les vacances d'été, j'irai voir mes amis qui habitent à Paris, en France.
J'irai au stade de France.
Je jouerai au football avec mes amis.
Je visiterai les beaux monuments de Paris.
Je mangerai des spécialités françaises.
To express an action that has been completed at the time of speech
<span>Write down the words that complete these sentences. Make any necessary change.
Les cheveux de Sophie Garneau sont blonds.
Les cheveux de Sophie Garneau sont courts.
Les cheveaux de Sophie Garneau sont bouclés.
Les cheveux de Sophie Garneau sont longs.
</span><span>There are several possible answers.</span>
My old house is not very big. We three garages in our house. My sisters always have a lot of posters on the walls of their rooms. We three times in the same year. My parents often have a room for college students. One day my brother from the balcony. Papa my grandfather's old armchair. Suddenly I / I have a noise in the basement. When I was thirteen, I / I in a beautiful neighborhood in Chicago. My neighbors don't have my cat.