The cornice was usually decorated with designs.
<u>Magdalena Abakanowicz was an artist doing mostly sculptured work.</u><u> </u>
<u>Many of her pieces of art are multiple repeated and similar sculptures of people, usually standing near one another. </u>
<u>As she grew up under the Communist regime which repressed individuality and preferred collective expressions of identity, her work reflects that in a form of presence these anonymous, similar, unidentifiable figures representing mass humanity.</u>
<u>These figures without faces, expressions or distinctiveness reference this cultural collectivism of the regime.</u>
Great chamber musicians communicate and react not just by playing the correct notes, but through eye contact, body motions, sniffs, winks and all sorts of non-verbal cues.
The answer is European style. Bichitr is a mughal painter whose works were inspired by European art. It is evident in the portrait of Jahangir which was allegorically presented with the hourglass throne. The one in the portrait has a vibrant halo with the blend of the shining sun and glowing moon. This represents Jahangir as the center of the universe.