to protect and enhance the rights of African Americans
The 13th Amendment ended slavery in the US. The 14th Amendment gave blacks citizenship and established due process. The 15th Amendment gave black men the right to vote.
These three amendments were passed toward the end and following the Civil War. They ended the practice of slavery releasing blacks throughout the South from enslavement. The 14th and 15th Amendments provided rights and Constitutional protect for blacks in addition to giving them the power to vote. However, Southern governments found ways around the amendments to prevent blacks from exercising their full rights.
The correct answer to this question is D. This is because A, implies that the Declaration of Independece guarantees the individual rights, but it briefly mentions some of this freedoms, such as those of life, liberty and the pursuit of hapiness in order to argue the reaons why the decision of the States to declare themselves independent from the British Crown, so it does not really explain these rights.
Regarding B, the bill of rights, that is, the first 10 Ammendments of the Constitution, does not deal with the reasons for revolution, as this body of ammendments is the result of the evolution of the society, its needs and demands: they were created along the time, as a result of a process, so they are not entirely linked to the reasons for the revolution.
And finally, C probably best describes the Constitution, which is the one that creates the Government as it certainly outlines its structure as we see it today, and in any case replaces the Declaration of Independence which doesn´t really deal with the creation of the Government.
As a conclusion, the Declaration of Independence is the political statement which sets the will of the new nation, whereas the Constitution, as the result of this initial statement, creates the Government, that at the same time, recognizes the individual rights as an expression of the Declaration and is adopted by the Constitution to guarantee the enforceability of these Rights.
<span>D. They both were elected officials in Tennessee and later assisted Texas in their fight for independence</span>
just slightly below the replacement population rate.
According to recent numbers, women in the United States aren't having enough babies. The replacement population rate, that is, the number of children a woman needs to have in order to keep the population the same, is 2.1. However, the latest data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention shows that the fertility rate in the US now stands at 1.72 children per woman, just slightly below the replacement population rate. The US rate had been a little under 2.1 since 1971, but in the last decade, it has fallen even more dramatically. The reasons for this are a cause for debate, but generally speaking, it is usually argued that it is a side effect of more and more women joining the workforce, thus having less time and desire to raise a family, and a lower number of teen pregnancies. Nevertheless, population in the United States keeps growing despite the low fertility rate thanks to immigration from other countries.