The rights the charter granted to the colonists were limited.
Apparently aimed at visiting American comedian Bob Hope, a time bomb set by Viet Cong terrorists exploded at Brinks, a U.S. Army officers club in Saigon, killing two Americans and wounding 50 others.Three years later, a captured memorandum was located that had criticized the terrorists for the fact that "The bomb exploded 10 minutes before the set time. Shortly after the explosion the cars of the Bob Hope entertainment group arrived. If the bomb exploded at the scheduled time, it might have killed an additional number of guests who came to see the entertainment."
Hope was making his first Christmas visit to South Vietnam, and he and his 60-member troupe entertained 1,200 servicemen at the Bien Hoa Air Base. He opened by joking, "Hello, advisers. Here I am in Bien Hoa... which is Vietnamese for 'Duck!!'". Referring to his surroundings as "Sniper Valley", he said, "As I flew in today, they gave us a 21-gun salute... Three of them were ours."
Unemployed electronics engineer Tom Osborne completed the prototype of the first desktop electronic calculator after more than a year of work at his home workshop, then spent another six months trying to find a buyer for his "Green Machine" (so called because he constructed the prototype casing from balsa wood painted green). After more than 30 rejections, he was able to sell the invention to the Hewlett-Packard company in Palo Alto, California.
Young men at the age of 18 must apply for draft since it is required by law.
The draft is essential only for when more men are needed in a conflict of sorts and no person that applied for draft can refuse.
They preserved much classical text(Not their own but Roman and Greek). They introduced the Arabic number system
Civil disobedience is a refusal to obey authority orders or government laws aimed at enforcing a change in policy or some aspect of the political system. The broken law itself may be considered invalid or immoral, or the crime could be a way of pointing out an injustice or other cause. It usually refers to non-violent and passive methods of crime, and in resisting violence this is the disobedient's justification for breaking the law on the land of conscience.
It is a form of protest or resistance that highlights the cause of the disobedient and causes some disturbance, trouble, or waste to the authorities. It is a symbolic act rather than an opposition to the political system and the law as a whole, and the disobedient often hopes to set a moral example by accepting his punishment for breaking the law. By publicly challenging the authorities and drawing his case to the attention of his fellow citizens, his aim is to push the government into action. Some campaigners call civil disobedience a universal philosophy for changing society, while others see it as a tactic to use when there are no legitimate ways to act. In that case, morality underpins the protesters' power, in their absence of political, legal, or economic power.