a. When must Janine recognize the income from the $17,360 advance payment for services if she uses the cash method of accounting?
Cash method of accounting recognizes revenues and expenses when they are received or paid for.
b. When must Janine recognize the income from the $17,360 advance payment for services if she uses the accrual method of accounting?
c. Suppose that instead of services, Janine received the payment for a security system (inventory) that she will deliver and install in year 2. When would Janine recognize the income from the advance payment for inventory sale if she uses the accrual method of accounting and she uses the deferral method for reporting income from advance payments? For financial accounting purposes, she reports the income when the inventory is delivered.
She will recognize revenue only after the merchandise is delivered.
d. Suppose that instead of services, Janine received the payment for the delivery of inventory to be delivered next year. When would Janine recognize the income from the advance payment for sale of goods if she uses the accrual method of accounting and she uses the full-inclusion method for advance payments?
Under this system, advanced payments are considered revenue on the year that they were received.
Asymmetric information is an instance of market failure.
It is when one party to a transaction possesses greater information or knowledge than the other party. e.g. when a seller possesses greater information than the buyer or when a buyer possesses greater information than the seller.
Individuals know when they have a more healthy lifestyle while their insurers might not be privy to such information due to privacy laws
Under the allowance method writing of uncollectible account will only affect Balance sheet accounts
Uncollectibles when write of under allowance method will create reduce account receivable one side and also results in reduction of allowance for receivable on other side created previously, thus having impact only on balance sheet:
Entry will be:
Dr: Allowance for Doubtful Debts (Balance Sheet Item)
Cr: Account Receivable (Balance Sheet Item)
The status dropout rates measures the percentage of individuals who are not enrolled in a certain class or who does not have any school credentials. In the U.S by the year 2008 there was approximately 3.0 million drop out at ages 16 through 24 years old, all were living in United States.