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Many factors, both natural and human, can cause changes in Earth's energy balance, including: Variations in the sun's energy reaching Earth. Changes in the reflectivity of Earth's atmosphere and surface. And Changes in the greenhouse effect, which affects the amount of heat retained by Earth's atmosphere.
On their mode of formation
The classification of rocks into three major categories is strictly based on their mode of formation.
Rocks are naturally formed aggregates of minerals. Based on mode of formation, they can be classified into;
- Igneous rocks: these rocks are formed by the cooling and solidification of molten magma.
- Sedimentary rocks are formed by the compaction and lithification of sediment.
- Metamorphic rocks: these are changed rocks that have been formed by subjecting rocks to pressure and temperature conditions which causes an alteration of their minerology.
When a product is elastic, a change in price quickly results in a change in the quantity demanded. When a good is inelastic, there is little change in the quantity of demand even with the change of the good's price. ... If the market price goes up, firms are likely to increase the number of goods they are willing to sell.