1. Antes de acostarse, María se cepilla los dientes.
<em>It is a </em><em>logical </em><em>sentence.</em>
This sentence means:
<em>María brushes her teeth before going to bed.</em>
It is logical because many people take care of their teeth. So, in this case, María brushes her teeth before going to bed.
2. Para lavarse el pelo, Carlos usa crema de afeitar.
<em>It is an </em><em>illogical</em><em> sentence
This sentence means:
<em>To wash his hair, Carlos uses shaving cream.</em>
It is illogical because we don't use shaving cream for washing our hair. Instead, we use shampoo for this purpose.
3. Rodrigo se lava la cara con jabón.
<em>It is a </em><em>logical </em><em>sentence.</em>
This sentence means:
<em>Rodrigo washes his face with soap.
It is logical because we use soap for washing our body including our face.
4. En los cuartos de baño no hay inodoros.
<em>It is an </em><em>illogical</em><em> sentence
This sentence means:
<em>There are no toilets in bathrooms </em>
It is illogical because toilets are important parts of bathrooms. So, you would find toilets in each bathroom you enter.
5. Sandra usa un espejo para maquillarse.
<em>It is a </em><em>logical </em><em>sentence.</em>
This sentence means:
<em>Sandra uses a mirror to put on makeup.</em>
It is logical because all the women uses a mirror to put on makeup.