If RUS > RUK, then E < F ( C )
RUS = annual risk free rate in united states
RUK = annual risk free rate in United kingdom
F = futures price of $/BP for 1 year
E = spot exchange rate for $/BP
To get a higher the future price
this conditions must be met
The annual risk free rate of the united states must be higher than the annual risk free rate of the united kingdom. if this condition is met then the the British pound will have a forward premium ( F ) > ( E )
I think the answer is A. I THINK the answer is A
experiential shopping
Experiential Shopping is done in order to avoid the boredom and get engaged in an activity, basically for moving out of the room and finally having a view and enjoying it. The goods are purchased without any planning, and only because you saw them and you like them.
This is done in order to recreate peace.
This is done by people to create happiness and internal satisfaction. Shopping do not provide happiness to them unlike impulsive shopping, but the mere thought to go out and enjoy do provides them the happiness they intend to have.