I think the lion should have not leat the mouse go
Fly like a bird </h2>
If i could fly like a
bird i would fly so very
high.I would soar through
the sky leaving all my
worries behind.
If i could fly like a bird
my face would touch the
the clouds while my
feathers hit the ground
as the wind cools me
If i could fly like a bird
time would slow me down
giving me time to enjoy the
peace that surronds all
around. if i could fly like
a bird swift as a light i know for
a fact i would love this graceful
May I please have Brainliest?
The main Character is Julia. Who is actually the author and the illustrator of the oak. So basically it is her autobiography.
In Dear Martin, Nic Stone demonstrates how beneficial it is for people facing discrimination to have supportive relationships. Searching for guidance, Justyce addresses his diary entries to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., wanting to fortify himself against the hatred and insensitivity all around him by emulating Dr. King. Unfortunately, though, this proves quite difficult, since the deceased Dr. King can’t respond to his entries. As a result, Justyce seeks out real-life allies like his Societal Evolution teacher, Doc, and his debate partner, SJ. However, their support doesn’t always suffice, most likely because he has trouble fully relating to them, since Doc is a middle-aged man with a PhD and SJ is white. Feeling