Compounding is one of the challenges faced by developing countries in regards to health care. The WHO plays a big part in these challenges, because there needs to be a person or group with a stable financial situation to donate or offer help. If someone who does not have any power or money help, there is a less likely chance in making a difference in regards to the problem.
It was built to keep the people of Berlin inside the country.
I could be wrong though.
Circumstances such as sudden poverty, physical abuse (struck at least 3 times by their husband), overall neglect (husband is lazy), dishonor brought upon the woman's family, or if their husband settled in a new country and neglected to go to bed with them for 3 years. (source:
(other source:
These were some of the answers based on information online, but your teacher may be expecting other ones. In general, neglect or maltreatment/abuse would be grounds for a divorce.
Bolivar defeated the Spanish forces for Venezuela in the Andes mountains by surprise. San Martin won by joining forces with other leaders. When the two met in Guayaquil, Peru, they joined their armies, and with a doubled force led Peru to independence from Spain.
Though his birthplace is in dispute, he considered himself a South Carolina native. His father died before his birth and Andrew's mother and her three small boys moved in with her Crawford relatives. Jackson attended local schools, receiving an elementary education and perhaps a smattering of higher learning