Plurilingualism is a situation wherein a person who has competence in more than one language can switch between languages from one language to another and vice versa
A. Sonnet poem
An ode poem is a kind of poem, usually praising something. An ode is a form of lyric poetry — expressing emotion — and it's usually addressed to someone or something, or it represents the poet's musings on that person or thing.
In poetry, a sonnet has 14 lines, and each line has 10 syllables. Generally, sonnets are divided into different groups based on the rhyme scheme they follow.
Haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables. Because Haikus are such short poems, they are usually written about things that are recognizable to the reader.
Answer: Know—In the Holocaust, Jews were persecuted by Nazi Germany.
Know—Jews in Germany often hid in the homes of people willing to shelter them after it was too dangerous to try to escape the country.
Know—During the time of the Holocaust, food and necessities were strictly rationed. Each family was given ration cards and could turn them in for their allotted food for a period of time (usually a week, sometimes longer).
Know—Jews who were discovered were taken to concentration caps where they were tortured and killed.
Know—Families who harbored Jews were taken to the camps as well, or sometimes, killed immediately upon being discovered.
(This next part you can literally write anything you want to know, there's not a right answer, but I'll give some examples).
Want to Know—How many Jews survived the concentration camps?
Want to Know—Were there Nazi soldiers who secretly helped the Jews?
Want to Know—Did any families like Anne Frank's survive the Holocaust without being found?
Want to Know—Did people who told the Nazis about locations of Jews who were hiding get rewarded?
Hope this helps!