I'm thinking B because my implies that the person possesses that thing. My bicycle. He is in possession of the bike
The "technical" term for car is a vehicle.
Question: Which type of faulty logic does this sentence contain?
<em>Although the cheeseburger is the most sought-after item on our menu, it is really difficult to manage the crowd in the drive-up lane because of the high demand; so, the cheeseburger should be taken off the menu. </em>
Answer: Either-or fallacy, also known as False dilemma.
Explanation: Faulty logic is an imperfect reason. Either-or fallacy is a type of faulty logic and it occurs when a writer builds an argument upon the assumption that there are only two choices or possible outcomes when actually there are several. We can identify the text as an Either-or fallacy because of the argument built to eliminate cheeseburgers from the menu only because of the high demand and their difficulty to manage the crowd in the drive-up lane. To eliminate one of their most demanded products is not the best idea for a business. Instead, they could improve their service by finding strategies in making the drive-up lane service more agile and productive.