What is the best/worst advice you ever got? Why?
The best advice I got was to ask for help whenever I need it because I have trouble with that. The worst advice I got was to think more because I do think plenty, I just don't think about the things I'm supposed to be thinking about.
Who do you turn to when you need advice? Why?
My friends and family because I trust them most.
What kind of advice do you normally give others?
I tell them to do whatever makes them happy as long as it doesn't break any rules or anything.
What advice would you give your parents/teachers?
I would tell them to stop giving me so much work to do, but that would be mean, and I might get in trouble for it.
kid go get ur perants to help you. we all have are own assignments to do. we are not going to put more of our time to do some random kids' homework sorry! but no one will!
A formal letter comprises 6 elements: the Address (Sender's/Receiver's), Date, Salutation, Subject, Body Text & Ending.
The format of an informal letter
- Address of the sender
- Date of writing a letter
- Address of receiver
- Salutation/Greeting
- Body of the letter
- Conclusion
- Signature of the sender
If you mean which sentance best represents the moral of the story then it would be the second to last sentence: "At last a Wolf really did come, and the Boy cried, "Wolf! wolf!" as loud as he could: but the people were so used to hearing him call that they took no notice of his cries for help."
Without a doubt...
b. When two independent clauses are closely related to each other and are joined by a conjunctive adverb of two syllables or more, place a semicolon before the conjunctive adverb and a comma after it.