A) 1:2
With its existing accessible sanitation facilities in Mumbai, the ratio of availability of toilets comes to around 52 to 100 people per toilet seat, since in many areas the gap between demand and availability is huge.
Over 90 million toilets have been built across rural India so far, taking the national rural sanitation coverage to over 98% today, up from 39% in 2014.
52 to 100 people per toilet seat,
That is ratio of approximately 1:2
On the one hand”/“on the other hand”
The government will first tell the US people about what is going on and why we are going to war but also they will ask all of us young proud citizens to join the fight and enlist. The more people enlist the bigger our army is the better chance we have of winning. next, they will ask the media to help support the war by putting up advertisements about it and put it on the radio and TV. But also the government will take our freedom of speech away so that we don't riot and go against their decisions about the war.