Loess is a sediment that is formed from silt deposits due to wind. The composition of the silt is clay and sand. The components are cemented together by calcium carbonate. The silts are blown by wind and accumulate in a singular location.
the element oxygen , represented by the symbol o, is classified as a pure substance
The spread of roots around a plant is usually greater than the depth of the roots is a completely false statement. It totally depends on the type of plant in regards to the type of root it will have. Normally there are two kinds of roots and they are taproot and fibrous roots. In case of taproots the main root goes downwards and smaller roots branches out of it. In case of taproots, it is true that the spread of roots is smaller than the depth of the roots. In case of fibrous roots, the spread of roots is greater than that of the depth of the roots. A wig tree is an example of a plant having taproot. in the wig tree the root can go to a depth of around 120 meters.
Answer:D.D.) Suspend the cells in liquid agar culture and monitor which culture continues to grow.
Options A-C are correct except D.
→Increase in Telomere length is indicative of abnormal growth, cancer cells can reactive telomerase to increase cell's length.
→Once a monolayer is reached; this a stage of a complete normal cell division , a cell that goes beyond this stage must be mutated. assuming all other factors are constant .
Uncontrolled cell division is an indication of virulent growth in mutated cells.
<u>Cancer cell requires a ,medium of living host to thrive, alga medium will not support growth for carcinoma cells -the correct answer. </u>
Completed Que.
:Imagine that you are a graduate student working in a cancer lab. You accidentally mix unlabeled tubes of carcinoma cells with tubes of normal epithelial cells. Which of the following is NOT a possible strategy to allow you to distinguish which tubes contain carcinoma cells?
A.)Monitor telomere length over time during multiple cell divisions.
B.) Plate the cells in culture and look for the culture that stops dividing once a monolayer is reached.
C.) Monitor the rate of cell division.
D.) Suspend the cells in liquid agar culture and monitor which culture continues to grow.
It’s letter A