vindicate - redeem (it means to clear someone of suspicion)
discern - recognise
miscreant - delinquent/criminal
precedence - priority
interdict - prohibit
brazen - shameless
inveterate - deep-rooted
abjure - reject
bereft - lacking something
This is the sample answer that plato gives.
vindicate: acquit
discern: judge
miscreant: transgressor
precedence: importance
interdict: decree
brazen: brass
immutable: everlasting
inveterate: habitual
abjure: deny
bereft: deprived
1. Haughty
2. Dismal
3. solemnity
4. luxuriance
5. Grievously
first-person narration.
Note the word "me", which is commonly used when the author is talking about his/herself. This means that it is through the perspective of the author, and so it's a first-person narration.