They pushed for laws to discourage immigration or deny political rights to immigrants.
In history, Nativism was a political string that exalted the interests and the rights of the national population over its migrants. It was mainly tied with the embodiment of measures to dominate immigration flows, specially of Chinese immigrants.
The navists employed missions to boycott German and Irish goods, because they did not want to contribute the econimic infrastructure and enlargement of the immigrants.
¿Cómo termina Sir Kay con la espada? Arthur le dio a Sir Kay la espada porque le faltaba la espada. ... Podría haber dicho de inmediato que Arthur sacó la espada de la piedra, pero en cambio eligió reclamar la espada.
The meeting of the First Continental Congress was called to in response to the Intolerable Acts. They were called the Coercive Acts in Great Britain. They are also sometimes referred to as the Punitive Acts.