The answer is A, the French government along with the Belgian government occupied the industrial rhur valley to make up for unpaid reparations.
Dear Riya,
This is a technique by speaker and psychologist Connie Podesta. It is very simple and works best in groups, though you can try it individually. Please follow these instructions and then look at the next paragraph for more insight.
1. You have to draw these four shapes in front of you: square, circle, squiggle and a triangle one at a time.
2. Now you have to choose one of these and draw it again.
The one you draw again tells your personality. Nobody of course has one shape and are mostly mixtures but the strongest can be found out with this activity. All of these have the following meanings
The greatest fear of the rulers of the Austria-Hungarian Empire was that their empire would be destroyed by the nationalist forces.
Austria-Hungary Empire was a state in Central Europe between 1867 to was ruled by a single monarch.The Empire was broken into smaller nations after world war one.Those who spoken in German language became Austria.
Nationalism in Austria-Hungary led to unification.