It is were the waste in your body comes out eg. urine, snot and sweat.
Plants take in carbon dioxide from the environment for photosynthesis. Because trees are large, they need a lot of energy, which likely results in a lot of carbon dioxide being removed from the air. If they’re chopped down, there will be fewer trees to remove the extra carbon dioxide from the air.
answer from Plato
Oldest fossils ever found show life on Earth began before 3.5 billion years ago.
A cell maintains homeostasis through division and repair. The cell cycle has three, stages that are used to help a cell maintain homeostasis. Photosynthesis in a plant cell makes glucose and oxygen for the cell. Then the cell uses that glucose and oxygen to do cellular respiration for the cell to live and function.
selective interference
Natural selection acts on genes that are inherited together, which is the case for species of asexual reproduction (where genes are inherited together by clonal offspring). In asexual species, linkage disequilibrium (i.e., non-random association of the alleles of different <em>loci</em>), can be understood in a similar mode in terms of population allele frequencies. Selective interference underlies the association between beneficial mutations and surrounding sites which are subject to deleterious mutations. It has been shown that asexual species adapt at a slower rate than species of sexual reproduction. In sexual species, selective interference could be bypassed through the mechanism of recombination during meiosis (although there is not conclusive evidence of this). In asexual species, different deleterious and beneficial mutations are generally fixed, whereas beneficial mutations are generally spread and fixed in species of sexual reproduction.